Our blog

We know you may have lots of questions about your child’s teeth and dental care, and we’re here to provide answers and insights to help you and your child on the journey to better oral health.

Brushing teeth with a preschooler

I can do it myself! If you’re the parent of a preschooler, you likely hear this phrase often. From tying their shoes to grabbing a toy that’s just out...

Brushing teeth with a toddler

They’re called the “terrible twos” (and “terrible threes”) for a reason. We all know that toddlers can be, shall we say, stubborn. Any parent who has...

What is enamel hypoplasia?

Enamel what? If this dental term is unfamiliar to you, consider yourself in good company with most parents. Enamel is the hard, protective outer layer...

What causes tooth decay in kids?

It’s the news that no parent ever wants to hear from their child’s dentist: we found a cavity. Also known as tooth decay, cavities are one of the most...

When should I take my child for their first dental appointment?

One of the best parts of being a parent is experiencing all the “firsts”–the first smile, the first word, and before you know it, the first birthday....