Our blog

We know you may have lots of questions about your child’s teeth and dental care, and we’re here to provide answers and insights to help you and your child on the journey to better oral health.

Brushing teeth with a preschooler

I can do it myself! If you’re the parent of a preschooler, you likely hear this phrase often. From tying their shoes to grabbing a toy that’s just out...

What causes tooth decay in kids?

It’s the news that no parent ever wants to hear from their child’s dentist: we found a cavity. Also known as tooth decay, cavities are one of the most...

Why your child gets bad breath

Bad breath (also known as halitosis) is an issue that can occur at any age and can be improved. Even kiddos who still get visits from the Tooth Fairy...

Are gummy vitamins safe for my child’s teeth?

It’s hard to imagine a vitamin that isn’t beneficial for kids and their growing bodies. All vitamins are good, right? In theory, yes–vitamins provide...

Five facts about fluoride for kids

At Schenectady Pediatric Dentistry, we’re big believers in doing everything we can to protect your child’s smile–and that’s where fluoride comes in....